Get accurate and reliable results with UKM UNIPEQ’s Laboratory Services. Wide range of services, fast turnaround and accredited. Discover how we can support your business.
Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services
Analytical Lab Testing
Our range of analytical lab testing provides you with an extensive range of offerings for your lab-based requirements at a very competitive price. We offer single parameter analysis, as well as package analyses such as proximate and heavy metal analysis.
Analytical Lab Testing
01. Chemical Testing
We offer a wide range service of chemical testing as follows:
- Nutritional Analysis and Labelling
- Food Composition / Vitamins
- Food Allergens & Mycotoxins
- Food Chemical Testing / Artificial Colouring / Preservative
- Heavy Metal Elements
- Elements Adulterant (sildenafil, melamine, synthetic drug etc.)
- Shelf life / Stability Testing
Methods & Techniques
AOAC, MPOB, MS, ISO, In-house method refer to standard method.
- Malaysian Food Regulation
- Codex Standard
- Malaysian Standard
Product Categories
Ready-to-eat Food, Chilled / Frozen Food, Dried Food, Confectionery Product, Drinks and Beverages, Fruit and Vegetables, Seafood, Cocoa, Coconut & Palm Oil, Meat, Poultry & Feed, Sauce, Canned Food, Biscuit, Yogurt, Coffee & Tea, Snack, Feed, Fresh Food, Plant Crops, Bird Nest
*If your product category is not listed above, feel free to contact us for advisory
- Ash
- Moisture
- Protein
- Nitrogen
- Dietary Fiber
- Fat
- Minerals
- Heavy Metals
- Fatty Acid Profile
- Crude Fiber
- Amino Acid
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B
- Alcohol
- Cholesterol
- Sugar in Food (Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose)
- Sugar in Honey (Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, Maltose, Trehalulose)
- Hydroxymethylfulfural (HMF)
- Diastase
- Preservatives (Benzoic Sorbic)
- Amylose
- Antioxidants (Total Polyphenol, DPPH, Anthocyanin)
- Caffein
- Aflatoxin
- Ochratoxin
- Thymoquinone
- Pesticides
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Analytical Lab Testing
02. Microbiological Testing
As part of our full-range testing for the food industry, our laboratory includes microbiological testing for food processing at all stages of production, including environmental testing, and quality assurance.
Methods & Techniques
Rapid or Classical methods (or a combination of both) are used in compliance with AOAC, BAM, and other official compendia.
Malaysian Food Act, Malaysian Standard.
Product Categories
Water, Environmental, Food, Supplement, Traditional Medicine, Water, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Chemical, and Miscellaneous.
*If your product category is not listed above, feel free to contact us for advisory
- Coliform & E. coli (Escherichia coli)
- MPN Technique
- Petrifilm (CFU)
- Chromocult® Coliform Agar (CFU)*
- Membrane Filtration Method*
- Total Plate Count
- Yeast & Mould
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Salmonella*
- Bacillus cereus*
- Enterobacteriaceae*
- Listeria monocytogenes*
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa*
- Lactobacillus Count*
- Candida albicans*
- Swab test*
- Coliform & E. coli (Escherichia coli)
- Total Plate Count
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Salmonella
- Yeast & Mould
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Air Test*
- Total Plate Count
- Yeast & Mould
- Efficacy Testing for Disinfectant and Hand Sanitizers*
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Salmonella
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Escherichia coli
- Bacillus cereus
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Analytical Lab Testing
03. Water Testing
Water testing can do more than determine whether your water is safe. It can also help you identify contaminants and prevent water-borne diseases.
Methods & Techniques
APHA, In-house method refer to standard method.
Malaysian Food Act 1983
Product Categories
Mineral Water, Drinking Water, Portable Water, Filtered Water, Ground Water, Industrial Effluent, River Water, Sewage Water, Well Water, Marine Water, Ro & Di Water, Swimming Pool Water, Ice Cube, Reservoir, Wastewater
*If your product category is not listed above, feel free to contact us for advisory
- Color (Hazen)
- Nitrate
- Nitrites
- Total Hardness
- Fluoride
- Ammonia as N
- Sulfide
- Cyanide
- Phenol compounds
- Free Chlorine
- Boron
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Total Suspended Solids
- Total Solids Dried at 103-105°C
- Minerals
- Heavy Metals
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Analytical Lab Testing
04. DNA Testing
In Halal Analysis, most of the analytical methods are currently focused on DNA detection analysis. Pork-based products are not only limited to meat but can also be found in other food products, cosmetics, and personal care products.
Gelatin is often used in a wide variety of applications, including food processing, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and so on, generally functioning as a stabilizing, binding, thickening, an emulsifying or foaming agent.
Methods & Techniques
In-house method using conventional & RT-PCR
Malaysian Standard (Halal)
Product Categories
Water, Environmental, Food, Supplement, Traditional Medicine, Water, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Chemical, Miscellaneous.
*If your product category is not listed above, feel free to contact us for advisory
- Detection of Porcine DNA
- Detection of Bovine DNA*
- Detection of Buffalo DNA*
- Detection of Fish DNA*
*Not Accredited Testing
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Laboratory Services
Glycaemic Index Testing
Nowadays, the public have become more concerned regarding their health and vitality, hence the public have shifted towards healthier choices of food. One of the food choices is Low GI food.
GI or Glycaemic Index is a rating system for carbohydrates-based food, according to the rate of blood sugar levels in the bloodstream after eating. So, Low GI foods (index of 1 – 55) are metabolized slower and will release glucose gradually into the bloodstream. Other advantages of choosing Low to Moderate GI diet includes blood glucose control and lowering total cholesterol.

In ensuring the food industry to recognize this concern for healthier food, Unipeq Sdn Bhd has successfully obtained the SAMM accreditation for analysis of Glycaemic Index, and as of today, we are the only laboratory in Malaysia to obtain this accreditation.
We are using the ISO 26642: 2010 method (in vivo) for the determination of the Glycaemic Index (GI) value of carbohydrates in foods.
Required sample amount
- For chemical analysis: 100 g
- For GI Clinical test: >1 kg (to be advised by our technical expert)
The price is inclusive of
- Proximate Analysis (SAMM Accredited)
- DF Analysis (SAMM Accredited)
- Sugar Profile Analysis (Not SAMM Accredited)
To request for a quotation, please fill in the form below and email it to
Laboratory Services
Tested By UNIPEQ
With the abundance of mushbooh (doubtful) and haram ingredients commonly used in industry today (e.g., Collagen extracted from human hair), there is significant potential for the ingredients to be used by halal food and cosmetic manufacturers.
In relation to the issue, Unipeq introduced a certification scheme, namely “Tested by UNIPEQ” (TBU). Through this scheme, Unipeq Laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025 accredited) will provide services for the engaged companies by carrying out necessary analysis of their products.

Upon certification of TBU to the companies, these companies shall be allowed to use the tagline “Diuji oleh UNIPEQ” or “Tested by UNIPEQ”, subject to terms and conditions. This shows their products comply with the food laws and regulations, as the scheme grants formal recognition to the products that implemented and maintained the safety, quality and halal compliance system.
All in all, “Tested by UNIPEQ” may build trust among consumers towards their brand as the products are in constant monitoring in relation to safety, quality and halal compliance.
To learn more about the fees and application guidelines, please click below.
To see the list of companies registered under the “Tested by UNIPEQ” scheme, please click below.
To request for a quotation, please fill up the Analysis Requisition Form and submit it together with the Application Form to
Please reach out to us for further assistance if there is any item you need more clarification on.
Laboratory Services
Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)
Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), or Malaysian Skill Certificate (MSC), is specially crafted for SPM leavers and those who wish to pursue their education in skills and technical knowledge. In Unipeq, we offer Biotechnology (BT) Analytical Lab Technician for Level 2 and Level 3, where the participants will be taught and tested on various scopes of laboratory technicians.